There’s no sugarcoating it; asking a girl to be your girlfriend can be terrifying if you don’t know what you’re doing. After all, if she says no, then that can lead to some awkward moments, especially since you will have to spend time around each other in the future when both of you are single again. Thankfully, there are plenty of things that you can do to make asking her to be your girlfriend easier and more likely to end in success.
Let us know how to ask a girl to be your girlfriend!
The best way to approach it:
Asking someone out can be hard, but it’s especially hard when you like that person and want her to know.
So what are you supposed to do when you want her as more than just a friend? You ask her out!
It may seem simple, but there are many ways in which to do so and even more ways in which it could potentially backfire if you don’t handle it correctly.
But don’t worry, we’re here for help!
We’ve got some great advice on how to go about asking a girl out, no matter where or how you plan on doing so.
After all, it doesn’t hurt to have some backup plans! And remember: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!
Approach at a time when you’re relaxed:
No matter how confident you are, if you’re sitting on pins and needles with tension and nerves, it will show in your body language and make you appear less attractive to her (and also, who wants to kiss someone who looks like they just crawled out of a dark hole?).
So find time when there are no other distractions for both of you—and when you feel relaxed—to approach her so that she can enjoy being around you in that moment.
You don’t want her thinking about anything else but you.
Plus, approaching her at a time when neither of you has anything else going on lets you focus all your attention on each other without having to worry about what else is going on around you.
Be direct: If we had to choose one tip that would help any guy have more success asking girls out, it would be: Be direct!
Tell her why you like her:
The first thing that you have to do when asking her out on a date is tell her why you like her so much and what it is that makes you want to go out with her.
She has probably already heard people telling her she’s beautiful or any other number of compliments so make sure that when you are telling her that you are doing it because she has some quality about herself which makes you feel something special for her.
If there is no reason behind your attraction then you will come off as insincere and if there isn’t one then why would she say yes to going out with you?
You need to let her know that you aren’t just trying to get into her pants, but rather that you genuinely want to spend time with her in order for things to work out in your favor.
Give her some time:
Asking a girl to be your girlfriend can be nerve-racking, but that’s no excuse for rushing it.
Put aside whatever insecurities are keeping you from asking her out, and focus on not scaring her away by making her think that you want more than she’s ready for (or willing to give).
When you do finally work up the courage to ask her out, make sure that it’s in person and not via text message or social media—that way she has no choice but to say yes or no face-to-face.
And remember: if at first you don’t succeed, try again!
If she says no once, wait a few weeks before trying again—you might have better luck next time around!
Don’t badger her – it doesn’t help:
When you have fallen for someone, especially if that someone is out of your league, you can’t help but think about them constantly.
But even though it is normal to think about her often, you also need to act normally around her.
You don’t want her thinking that you are acting weird or different just because she is special to you; rather, it needs to appear as if there’s nothing different between how you usually act and how you are acting when she is with you.
This way, she won’t feel put on the spot or uncomfortable and will most likely enjoy your company more than usual.
Know what you want: The main reason why people fail at getting their crush to like them back is because they do not know what they really want from their relationship.
Do you just want a friend or do you actually desire something more?
If you are looking for a serious relationship, then make sure she knows that right off the bat. However, if all you want is friendship and no romantic involvement whatsoever, then let her know that so she doesn’t waste any time in trying to get closer to you.
Know what to do if she says no:
If you don’t want to run out of options, it helps to know what do you if she says no (or something along those lines).
There are three possible scenarios that could result from asking her out on a date, so let’s break them down:
- She says yes;
- She says no;
- She doesn’t respond or say anything at all.
In scenario one, there is obviously nothing more to worry about than planning an awesome first date!
In scenario two, you have a few choices: You can accept her rejection and move on with your life, or try again later after some time has passed and/or when she seems more receptive—but only do that if you really like her.
It’s also worth noting that while many women might reject a guy they aren’t interested in romantically, they will often still appreciate being asked out by someone they find attractive. So keep trying!
And lastly, in scenario three, you can just follow up with another text message saying something along these lines: Hey I hope I didn’t come off too strong before.